Xcom 2 save location
Xcom 2 save location

Note: Backups will be created on each interval, so if you have a short interval, you may have duplicates Note: A backup will be automatically created each time game updates the save. Click 'Enable Event Drive Saves' Checkbox.This limits the backups to keep per campaign, not a combined total of all backups. Oldest backups are deleted first if the limit is reached. Set Backups to Keep to an appropriate value.Set the Backup Location to a directory of your choosing.Set the Save Location to the directory that stores your XEW/XEU/XCOM2/WotC Ironman Saves.Saves are triggered at different times making it a bit more resilient to the crashes we saw in XCOM 2/WotC but still, the same engine means there's still a chance. They also appear to get bigger the longer the mission goes on, but maybe that's just me musing. Saves in HQ are much smaller than saves made in the field, so you can use that as a better gauge for when to restore a save or not. Because of this, I highly recommend limiting the max backups to a relatively manageable number (20 should be more than enough). Chimera Squad saves your game much more frequently than XCOM 2 and WotC do.

Xcom 2 save location